How to rescue a paragliding pilot from the water?

Flyeo in collaboration with Dr Matt Wilkes, has created a safety training video for paragliding schools that are teaching SIV courses. This video is also very useful for SIV students to learn important points when landing on water to optimise their chances to be rescued safely.

This is not a short video, it is a comprehensive “how to” rescue paragliders that have landed on water.

While the main target is the many paragliding schools that are taking SIV students, we nonetheless think any paragliding pilots will get some important tips out of it.

A step-by-step flowchart to rescue pilots from the water

Alongside this detailed video, we also provide a step-by-step paraglider safety rescue flowchart explaining what to do from the moment you approach the pilot in water in your rescue boat to the moment it is safe to pull out of water. This flowchart takes into consideration a prior assessment of the injuries of the pilot and how to adapt actions accordingly.

While a small picture of this flowchart is available below, it is also possible to download a larger version or access the pdf file.

Flowchart providing a step by step on how to rescue a pilot from the water

Float To Live

The UK Royal National Lifeboat Institution ( RNLI) has provided a simple guide to explain everyone what method to use in five simple steps if you find yourself in difficulty in water in order to float while waiting rescue. We draw upon it here.